Friday, January 27, 2012

Blog 2

Pretty much everyone's blog I read all thought the same thing....they are all interested in the Elizabethtown project :) One blog that stood out to me was Caitlin Ezell's post. She talked about how this class will prepare us to incorporate literacy across the curriculum. Another blog I read and enjoyed was Amber Miller's blog. I like how she brought up that literacy classes should be safe and nurturing. Which I can from experience I have had some not so nurturing literacy classes in school and it makes learning stressful and frustrating.

I enjoyed all of the different ideas provided with writing to learn. I think quick writes are great in a class, especially the upper grades. They can be used as a bell ringer or as daily journal's in the class. I can remember in my 5th grade English class we did quick writes in journals before class. They were either related to the lesson or whatever we wanted to write about. Two other things I found neat are the framed paragraphs and biopoem. The framed paragraphs to me are the perfect way to get students feet wet with writing and get rid of that anxiety about forming paragraphs. The biopoem to me is really cool! It would take some true modeling from the teacher and whole group practice before students could do it, but it would make a great study tool for history lessons and science lessons.

I enjoyed how once we watched the video on listening and discussed it as a class we got the chance to experience what was discussed. Have the chance to go out and listen then come back and reflect was nice. That would be great in a classroom with younger children, maybe not the video, but the discussion of listening and what we actually hear on a day to day basis. I know when i was in elementary school during recess would be when the high school band was practicing. Which to me at that age was the coolest thing EVER!! I remember just sitting by the fence and listening to them practice and hearing all of the different sounds of the band. All the other noise would just fall to the side and the music was all i heard. (I guess music was my calling as a child haha)

The only question i really have is...What type of lesson would you us the ABC list in and what would you do if words could not be formed to fit the topic?

With listening.....something i like to do is simply just listen to any song and pick up on the different beats in it. And if its classical music listen and identify the different instruments. I also like to just sit listen, close my eyes, and imagine the colors I see with the sounds and how they would move around.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Entry 1

Hey hey everyone!
My name is Melinda Hudson and I am a senior this year WOO!! I'm from starkville...the home of that other school HA!! I absolutely love it here in Hattiesburg and here at USM as well. I am a dual student (ele. ed and special ed) One reason I want to work with special needs is my sister. She is 18 years old and has down syndrome. I also love working with all types of children..always have. I'd say my ideal grade is an A, but I'd be happy with a B as well :) I really do not have a specific subject area I want to teach. I would like to teach any grades lower than fourth grade. I'm nervous working with anything math related and english related (not my strongest subjects BUT I am working on that) Another weak point of mine is fair warning haha! I am also very opinionated and open minded as well.

Interesting facts? I can play 8 different musical instruments...i lived and breathed band in high school and junior college. Music is still close to my heart! I read when I can and I love going to the movies..also when I have time. I am a major BAMA fan...ROLL TIDE!! But I am also a big GOLDEN EAGLE fan as well SMTTT!!

The two things that stood out to me the most are the Elizabethtown project and also the service learning project. The Elizabethtown project seems very interesting to me and I have never done anything like that. I have always thought it would be a great idea to do pen pals in a classroom. I also like how the service learning project is explained and how we do have options to chose from to complete it. Some teachers just state it and then never really explain it till its almost time to be due or its a do it this way highway option.  This class deals more with the literacy aspect of adolescents compared to elementary school students. I would say the exciting parts are the Elizabethtown project and service learning...the daunting task to me is just the work to go into everything and also keeping up with blog post as well. I really do not have any questions or concerns....for now :)